Saturday, May 11, 2013

A Place For Us?

In this season Patti and I find ourselves thinking, speaking and praying “What next LORD God?”  It is a good season and daily we are grateful, but we do have questions of Him.

A season of love, grace, mercy and prayer initiated by the cancer “journey” of a dear friend and Brother, and ultimately his gaining the Kingdom in all its fullness.  And now, this sense of an “ending” or a transition of some kind?  Yet, we only get the “lamp unto our feet, the light unto the next step along the path.”  Church, what is it really?  How we do it?  The Body life, the community of faith beyond walls, buildings, beyond denominations and cloistered gatherings?

We have listened quietly in prayer.  We have truly sensed this “change”, whatever it is.  We have obeyed as best we can together, while wondering “who” or “what” we are supposed to be today, tomorrow and beyond?  We have left denomination and “church membership” to be simply part of the Body of Christ in the world.  We often feel like “missionaries” in our neighborhood and community, living a daily life in obedience to the Holy Spirit and Christ.  And, for this old Moose who is so used to being in control, to having the “plan”, it has been a learning experience, a “surrendering” in this season.

We find “family” with our own little gatherings of “two or more”, but also with a beloved congregation that calls itself River Life.  We also have extended family; Young Life and all the churches represented in that parachurch family; Restlife, Fremont, House and more . . .  And yet, we sense a “restlessness” . . . what is the Spirit doing?  The restlessness drives us more deeply into solitude and silence seeking God’s voice, His direction.  And still, we only get that one step, that lamp unto our feet.

Once again, I am convinced that this life in Christ is first and foremost about surrender, about submission to LOVE.  It is truly a “dying to self”, to “lose one’s life only to find it” in Him.  It is living with God (as Dallas Willard says) on a daily basis, the Kingdom Life here and now.  But, again, we only seem to know what this day may hold and not necessarily tomorrow?

So, is there a place for us in this season?  Well, yes, there is this season of the Kingdom Life for us and that is a “place”.  As for a “church” home, a place of regular Sabbath worship with others, well, each week seems to see us guided differently?  We seem to have many “homes” as far as “church” goes?  And, Patti still feels the “connection” at River Life, as do I . . . relationships forged in fellowship and healing . . . but then, we have that elsewhere too?

Lord have mercy, I’m just an old Moose on walkabout and I need Your Spirit every moment of the day just to find my way, Your Way.  }:-

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