Saturday, August 20, 2011

Bringing Creation Care Home

It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3 and teaches the kids too.

1. Use only manual or electric yard work equipment. (It’s good exercise also.)
2. No chemical herbicides or pesticides. (Instead nurture your mantids, ladybugs and lizards.)
3. Plant for habitat and creatures. (You’ll reap the benefits of beauty, AND entertainment.)

Practice conservation every day around home. There are many simple ways to do it and your utility companies are glad to help; energy saving light bulbs, water conservation devices, and more.

For motivation and inspiration here’s an excerpt from The Jesus Storybook Bible, by Sally Lloyd-Jones:

“Jesus knew that God would always love and watch over the world he had made – everything in it – birds, flowers, trees, animals, everything! And, most of all, his children. Even though people had forgotten, the birds and flowers hadn’t forgotten – they still knew their song. It was the song all of God’s creation had sung to Him from the very beginning. It was the song people’s hearts were made to sing: ‘God made us. He loves us. He is very pleased with us.’ It was why Jesus had come into the world: to sing them that wonderful song; to sing it not only with his voice, but with His whole life – so that God’s children could remember it and join in and sing it too.”

Sometimes returning to elementary Sunday school roots (as teacher and student), is a really good thing! Practice creation care, and then sing along with all Creation!

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