Monday, October 22, 2012

be present

Spent a sleepless night reflecting on a good friend's passing, and recent time spent with him. The whole notion of anam cara (soul friend) and "healing prayer", what it means in this season of the Lord. Each day I see more clearly that we are simply to be present in humility and submission to God, "releasing" His Power to work through us. We don't necessarily need words or to expect a certain outcome, but above all to trust Him and His will be done. The Spirit will give us words or groans from deep within.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Following Jesus in today's world, good stuff from The Navigators. KISS - Keep It Savior Simple!

What is my intention?

The older I get, and the longer I'm around Christians, the more I realize most of us simply don't want to "take up our cross and follow." We are mostly satisfied to "have our ticket punched for heaven", but beyond that we just want to be comfortable and happy in our worldly lives. Discipleship, apprenticeship to Jesus, is too hard, besides we just don't have time for it. Spiritual formation, transformation into the likeness of Christ, yea, like that's gonna happen! No, I'll go to mass or church most Sundays, and try to do a little something more for God when I can, but otherwise my life's already too hectic. So we pack up our presuppositions and go merrily on our way, BUT, we miss out on living the abundant life He promised, eternal life here and now. We miss out on living a truly meaningful life for ourselves, and others. And guess what else? We look just like everyone else out there, we're not making a difference in this broken world that so needs His humble followers. God won't force us, and no one else can either. We have to respond intentionally to our own hunger and thirst, that yearning for more, that emptiness deep inside. It's there in all of us. We were created with a void in our heart and soul that only God can fill through His Son. But again, we have to choose it for ourselves. da Moose

Monday, October 15, 2012

quiet time reflections today - God's Will?

God's Will for our lives is more often a simple ministry of love right we're at, than something grandiose and famous. Our lives in Christ are in a sense a healing ministry, in that we allow ourselves to be used by Him wherever and to whomever He sends us. It is your business and other's to go forth, being vulnerable & available face to face, for that is the only way of bringing them to Me. For when you are face to face with them, and once you love them, then I can speak through you and heal them. His love that burns inside us impels us on the road to seek for Christ in the stranger's face or feel the absence of His touch, then to be His hands and heart in healing. "Make friends of God's children; help those who are weak; forgetting in nothing, His blessing to seek."[William D. Longstaff] "Oh the comfort, the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person; having neither to weigh thoughts nor measure words, but to pour them all out, just as they are, chaff and grain together, knowing that a faithful, loving hand will take and sift them, keep what is worth keeping, and then, with the breath of kindness, blow the rest away." [George Elliot] If your heart is right with my heart, give me your hand.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

leading horses to water

Yep, it is true, "you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink.". I learned this truth in practical ways from my earthly father (a horse whisperer). I learned a deeper truth from my Heavenly Father that applies here as well. We can lead others to Living Water, but they must recognize their own thirst and desire to be quenched. All we do is scatter seed, God waters and brings the harvest. [Jesus' parable of the soils (think souls)] Many of us have a deep desire to see others come to know and love God, and to be transformed into the likeness of His Son, Jesus Christ. But God, through His Spirit is the one Who does this work. Our task is to submit to Him in love and humility, and trust He will use us as His own instruments of Grace, as He redeems His children. In humility we present ourselves, vulnerable & available, to others. This is our first and last, our greatest work, to submit, to surrender, to God.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Seeking approval

It has become very clear to me lately that the reason I write so much has much to do with my need for approval (words of affirmation) from others. It has also become clear that such approval should only be sought from God. So, I'm taking a break to think about this. }:-