Our new "business" cards -- yes, we still accept requests for all sorts of things in anam cara, including speaking/teaching as a team. We don't charge a fee, yes we are FREE indeed. Don't mind some help with travel and lodging for out of town gigs, but everything is negotiable.
While our "ministry" is primarily one-to-one discipleship; soul care, mentoring, etc., these days, we nonetheless welcome group experiences as well. Our range of topics and areas of life includes all those things we've experienced in God's grace and mercy; marriage/relationships and all that entails both good and difficult, parenting at all stages, family dynamics in different seasons, spiritual formation and discipleship -- life.
We love speaking to all kinds of groups, denominations, genders and ages. We will even do men's or women's retreats as a team, while adjusting our participation accordingly for sensitive topics and small group breakouts, etc.
Our passion is simply that others would grow in their knowledge of God, Lover of our souls, and individually too in Christ; transformation. We humbly and vulnerably share ourselves and our lives in a comfortable, humorous way that others tell us they have been blessed by.
So, if you or your gathering are looking for an inexpensive speaker(s), let us know. For us, it's all part of long obedience within God's unforced rhythms of grace.
Pat & Patti Watters