Monday, September 19, 2016

Wiconi . . . story within the Greater Story -

At some point we Christians must take a serious look (examen) at our lives to see if we reflect Christ or consumer Christianity.  When others look at us and our lifestyle do they see humility and simplicity, or the wealth of the world?  Prosperity gospel, or the riches of the true Gospel Kingdom?

What's in a name?  Jesus, the Christ of God versus the religion called Christianity.   When did love, grace, mercy, compassion, and humility get superseded by worldly wealth, power and fame?

I walked away from the religion when it seemed "empty", I came "back" to Jesus and met him for the first time.  The new relationship has been a journey, he's taught me much along the way, and I expect has more in store for an old monk of a moose.

Gratitude.  Yep, that's the word.  That's where and who I've become through surrender and submission, as opposed to striving and controlling.  Grace and blessings, even through trials and suffering.  My passion in this season is simply to share the LOVE, to talk story and let the Creator and Lover of my soul do the rest.

Mitakuye oyasin, beannacht De ort.

}:- ❤️ anonemoose monk

(aka Patrick Watters, Muddy, da Moose, Pops, Papa, Poppa Watters, Daddy Pat, Perching Eagle . . . Beloved)
