Well, that didn't really help. I have written for many different reasons, and I have even published along the way. So, I guess I'm a writer and an author? Of course most of the time I'm a storyteller, where does that leave me?
Two books are rather continuous works in progress. The first and most lengthy is an autobiographical historical fiction project. A collection of stories (originally improvised and spontaneous storytellings) that have emerged throughout my life from early childhood to today. The title has changed numerous times, and probably will not eventually be any of those, which will instead be chapter titles. Currently, the title is "Clan to Tribe" and involves a great deal of research and travel tracing Celtic and later Native American heritage. Much of the earlier work came under the pen name "Anon E. Moose", or simply "anonemoose", and included short stories from an underground (literally) publication called The Monthly Magpie, published at the Magpie Diggins (Camp Kohler) by Richard Mahler.
The second work is in the spiritual formation genre, working title is "PnP On The Road - A Journey of Hope". This project didn't start until I reached my thirties; married and raising kids. It continues alongside the other "memoir" as a compatible complement. Hmm, who knows, maybe they will eventually be blended into one publication? However, that will remain someone else's (one of my kids?) responsibilities should they choose to do so?
As I always love to say when people ask me if I'm going to "write a book", "It's being written all the time on the pages of my life."
};-) anonemoose aka da Moose