Thursday, February 2, 2012

an epiphany or "opening" this day:

It's as if all my life up to now (the good & bad) has been preparation for this "season" -- grandfather, heyoka & disciple of Jesus Christ.

Affirmation that indeed we must lose our life to find it, and that "worldliness" and material things are not part of it.

Anonymity is a blessed part of it too, at least while we are alive in this world.

anon e. moose }:-

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


There are many, many wonderful books to read, too many for one lifetime. So, while I do occasionally read fiction or the classics (Jan Karon, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy & others), I prefer to immerse myself in those works that are "transformational". The Imitation of Christ, Augustine's Confessions, Brother Lawrence and others.

So it is that I come (and it seems much too late) to a small but powerful & beautiful book titled, A Testament of Devotion, by Thomas R. Kelly. I hesitate to say this is THE book I most highly recommend among them all, because each author may speak God's truth for a particular season of our lives. And I suppose God knew this book was for this time for me personally? That said, I do recommend this "little" book for anyone desiring to go "deeper" in their search for the heart of God. It is one of those resources that one can come back to again and again along the road.

Testament of Devotion
Thomas R. Kelly
Harper One, with intro. by Richard Foster