Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Moose musing along the Road - via Facebook

Patrick Watters
Moose musing — at In My Room.

Polkinghorne - when religion/philosophy meet quantum physics. Hmm, maybe that explains why Patti seems so close even though she's 2K miles away? ;-)

‎"moose musing" - part prayer, part 'day dreaming', always in the Presence of God. ;-)

The "mystery" of Job in a nutshell - when we have lost everything and are miserable, God remains the "Eternal constant" and our loving, merciful refuge and hiding place.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

A Healthy Perspective On Evil

Recent dialog with a friend, and the current illness of my wife, Patti, have had me looking into the question of evil in the world, and specifically the devil (or dweeb as I like to call him.) There was a time when I had an unhealthy fear of evil and the dweeb. I suppose I could attribute some of it to depression and chronic anxiety? I've learned as I've walked with God to understand this aspect of life in the world and have a more healthy perspective on it.

To deny the existence of the devil, evil and darkness, or even to ignore it, is to deny much of God's Truth in the Bible and Jesus' own teachings on the subject as well. Not that we are to obsess on it, but to be aware and put it in its "right" place in His Name. We have nothing to fear because we are already victorious in Christ. We await and partner with Him in making all things new. Yes! God Who IS Light, even in the darkness, will eliminate evil for all eternity.

Here are some Bible passages to reflect on as you seek this Truth for yourself; Job 1 etal, Luke 8:11-18, Ephesians 6:10-18, James 4:7 and 1 Peter 5:8-9.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Family Matters

As I anticipate my return home to Sacramento from the "Big Island", I do so with both excitement and husbandly concern. I am truly excited to return to my role and life season of grandfather. Yet, I am somewhat saddened to leave Patti here in Hilo for another month. Yes, of course she can take care of herself, but some recent health issues have not been completely resolved, and so I feel a need here as her husband and soulmate. But we have learned to surrender all to our loving God Who knows best and always cares for us. We look forward to having our family together again (at least those of us who now share the family "compound" in the City of Sacraments.) And to whatever God has in store for us in this season.

The heart of the matter, and the person -

"Never judge a book by it's cover." And, never judge someone's heart and soul by their exterior. You may never know what you had until they're gone.

Friday, November 4, 2011

as seen recently on facebook:

Patti often must remind me that's "it's time for you to visit Thomas 'a Kempis"! I guess I sense it myself this time, facebook has become to much a distraction, time to immerse in The Imitation of Christ and God's Word so interwined there, especially the humility of the living Word, even Christ Jesus. Sometimes I think it would just be easier to "disappear" into grandfatherhood, to become a "hermit" of sorts there? So, goodbye for now, I'm sure I'll be back, (to many's dismay). :-)